Sunday, January 24, 2016

Reflections of a Primary Teacher/ Homeschooler

I started my teaching career as a high school teacher but after becoming a parent, I became interested in seeking primary teacher education. I got fascinated by the miraculous process through which an infant gradually develops physically, intellectually and emotionally into a toddler and then into a preschooler. He/She then acquires more independence and skills to become a kindergartner and then into a school-aged child.

In the beginning, an infant can just babble but then he/she listens to his parents/caregivers and learns to speak gradually. He/she keeps on learning more and more words and starts to form sentences. Then as a preschooler and as a school-aged child, a child learns to read, write, count and he/she starts to communicate in a variety of ways with his/her peers and the adults around him/her.

I find the whole process so striking that I want to learn more about it in order to facilitate it not only for my own children but also for others. This is why I decided to take a Primary Education ABQ course. So far, in this course, I have learned about the characteristics and attributes of a primary learner, various learning styles and learning theories, role of a primary teacher and a variety of teaching strategies.

In this blog, I will be sharing my reflections as a primary teacher connecting them with the content of this course.

image from

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